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Consultant Program Terms and Conditions

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1    GLBA requirements

Agreement Acceptance. This Agreement describes the terms governing your enrollment and participation in the TaxDome Consultant Program (the «Program»). It includes by reference:

  • Applicable TaxDome Privacy Policy
  • Additional terms and conditions, which may include those from third parties.

1.2    Program Overview, Enrollment and Certification

a. Overview. The TaxDome Consultant Program («Program») is a partner loyalty program that is available to eligible Consultants certified by TaxDome. To participate, you must pass a certification exam with a passing grade of at least 70%.

b. Enrollment. The Program is open only to legal residents of the country supporting the applicable Program.

Your enrollment and participation in the Program mean that you agree to the terms and conditions as provided in the Agreement. As used in this Agreement, «you,» «your,» and «Consultant» are synonymous and refer to the person who enrolled in the Program, as reflected in TaxDome’s records.

By accessing, signing up, participating in, or otherwise using the Program you agree that:

  • You can form a binding contract with TaxDome;
  • You are not a person who is prohibited from receiving the Services under the laws of the United States, Canada, the UK, or any other applicable jurisdiction;
  • You are a resident of the country where you have registered for the Program;
  • You will comply with this Agreement and all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules, and regulations, including import and export regulations.

c. Certification. TaxDome Consultant Certification provides access to training and webinars to improve TaxDome proficiency. To obtain TaxDome Certification you must successfully complete the required TaxDome education and testing. Each TaxDome Certification and all associated benefits are tied to the individual who successfully completed the Certification and may not be transferred to another individual.

 1.3    Data Processing and Privacy

You acknowledge that TaxDome will process your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy ( when you use our Program. As a TaxDome Consultant, you further agree to maintain data privacy standards that are at least as restrictive and protective as our Privacy Policy. Any violation of our Privacy Policy or any unauthorized access, misuse, or collection of any client or customer personal information shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement.

1.4    Protection of Interest

a. Acknowledgment of Rights. The TaxDome Consultant acknowledges TaxDome’s exclusive rights in all of its trademarks, trade names, logos (including, without limitation, the Certified Logo). You shall not do anything that might harm the reputation or goodwill of TaxDome.

b. Enforcement. In the event you become aware of any unauthorized use of the TaxDome brand by a third party, you should promptly notify TaxDome in writing, and shall cooperate fully, at TaxDome’s expense, in any enforcement of TaxDome’s rights against such a third party.

1.5    Conduct of Business

You agree (a) to conduct business and provide services in a manner that favorably reflects the products, services, goodwill and reputation of TaxDome at all times; (b) to conduct business and provide services in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; © to conduct business and provide services in full compliance with all agreements you may have with TaxDome, including Terms of Services; (d) to nor engage in illegal, deceptive, misleading or unethical practices; (e) to not make any statements, representations, warranties, or guarantees to customers that are inconsistent with the policies established by TaxDome; (f) to provide support and services of the highest quality and integrity; and (g) to use your best efforts to resolve any complaints or disputes with your clients regarding your services under the Program in a fair, ethical, and timely manner.

The Consultant agrees to not use or display any materials or content on its website in a manner that is, as determined by TaxDome at its sole discretion, defamatory, misleading, libelous, obscene, or otherwise potentially damaging to the reputation of TaxDome. You further agree that you will use the Program and its benefits to assist and counsel small business clients on their use of TaxDome products and not for any other purpose.

If TaxDome determines at its sole discretion that you are using the Program for any unauthorized purpose, for a purpose that conflicts with the goals of the Program, or are otherwise in violation of Program requirements, we reserve the right to terminate all or any of the following: your membership and access to the Program.

1.6    Confidentiality

TaxDome may occasionally provide you with confidential information. You acknowledge that such confidential information is the property of TaxDome You shall not reveal, disclose or distribute such confidential information in any form to employees, except on a need-to-know basis, or to any third party, except to the extent specifically authorized by TaxDome in writing and shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the unauthorized disclosure and use of such confidential information.

This obligation of confidentiality does not apply to information that is (a) rightfully in the public domain other than by a breach of a duty to TaxDome; (b) rightfully received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality; © rightfully known to you without any limitation on use or disclosure prior to its receipt from TaxDome; (d) independently developed by you; or (e) generally made available to third parties by TaxDome without restriction on disclosure. You may not disassemble, reverse-engineer, or decompile any software that is provided to you by TaxDome.

The Consultant agrees to return to TaxDome immediately upon TaxDome’s written request any confidential information TaxDome has received in writing or any other tangible form. Consultant acknowledges that the unauthorized disclosure or use of TaxDome confidential information will cause irreparable harm to TaxDome, and that, accordingly, the Consultant agrees that TaxDome will have the right to seek and obtain injunctive relief in addition to any other rights and remedies TaxDome may have by law or in equity.

1.7    Idea Submissions

By submitting ideas, suggestions, proposed business plans, or any other material(s) to TaxDome, the Consultant acknowledges and agrees that TaxDome will treat such submissions as non-confidential; TaxDome can use the information without compensation to the Consultant or to any other person or entity; and TaxDome may have already developed, and is not restricted from developing, products, services, or plans similar to or competitive with any described in such submissions from the Consultant.

1.8    Right to Inspect

TaxDome reserves the right to inspect your provision of support and services under this Agreement, your business premises, and all signage, advertisements, promotional material(s), and documentation in order to ensure your full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You shall cooperate fully and shall promptly provide TaxDome access to all reasonably requested materials and to such portions of your business premises reasonably necessary to permit TaxDome to exercise its right to inspect.

1.9    Third-Party Services

Certain services and products provided by third parties and not by TaxDome are made available in connection with the marketing and distribution of TaxDome in the Program («Third Party Services»). You are responsible for reviewing, understanding and complying with the terms and conditions governing any Third Party Services and your use of any Third Party Services indicates your acceptance of such terms and conditions. You agree that TaxDome is not responsible for the performance of third parties in connection with the Third Party Services, and to indemnify TaxDome for third party claims relating to your use thereof.

1.10  Limitation of Liability & Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold TaxDome harmless from any and all claims, liability and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of: (i) your use of the Services in breach of any laws or regulations; (ii) your breach of the section TaxDome Consultant Additional Terms and Conditions; (iii) any breach by you of any third-party rights (including intellectual property rights); (iv) your willful breach of this Agreement; or (v) any other breach of this Agreement, (collectively referred to as «Claims»). Further, you agree to indemnify TaxDome resulting from any suit or proceedings based upon a claim arising by reason of your performance or non-performance under this Agreement. TaxDome reserves the right, at its sole discretion and at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any Claims. You agree to reasonably cooperate as requested by TaxDome in the defense of any Claims.

You agree to reimburse TaxDome upon demand for any expenses reasonably incurred by TaxDome in defending such claim(s), including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and costs, as well as any judgment or settlement of the claim or proceeding. In no event may you enter into any third-party agreements which would in any manner whatsoever affect the rights of or bind TaxDome in any manner without the prior written consent of TaxDome.

1.11   Disclaimer of Warranties



1.12  Term

The Program shall commence on the Effective Date and will continue, until and unless terminated, as set forth in this Agreement («Term»).

1.13  Default and Termination

TaxDome or the Consultant may terminate the Consultant’s enrollment in the Program at any time, with or without cause, by written notice to the other not less than THIRTY (30) DAYS before the effective date of such a termination notice. TaxDome may terminate the Consultant’s enrollment in the Program for cause effective immediately and without notice in the event that: (i) TaxDome determines at its sole discretion that the Consultant has behaved unprofessionally or otherwise unacceptably towards any TaxDome sales, customer service, or technical support agents; (ii) TaxDome has received negative feedback on more than one occasion about a Consultant; (iii) the Consultant has failed to perform any of Consultant’s obligations under this Agreement or is otherwise in default hereunder and such failure or default remains unremedied for FIFTEEN (15) DAYS after written notice thereof; (iv) TaxDome, at its sole discretion, determines that the Consultant does not meet the criteria for enrollment in the Program, or any other Program Requirements, as determined by TaxDome from time to time; (v) the Consultant commits a felony or engages in an unlawful business practice; or (vi) any conduct or proposed conduct of the Consultant exposes or threatens to expose TaxDome to any liability or obligation, including any obligation under federal, state or local law.

1.14  Effect of Termination

Upon expiration or termination of enrollment, regardless of the reason thereto: (a) all privileges and benefits of the Program will be immediately revoked; (b) the Consultant shall immediately cease use of the name «TaxDome Certified» and other permitted uses of trademarks, names, or terms and the Consultant shall also discontinue representing in all instances and locations (e.g., on materials, website, etc.) that the Consultant is enrolled in the Program; © the Consultant shall promptly return to TaxDome all TaxDome confidential information or certify in writing that it has destroyed such information; (d) all rights and licenses granted under this Agreement (including without limitation the license to use the Certified Logo) will immediately and automatically terminate; and (e) the Certified Consultant shall immediately cease use of the Certified Logo and shall discontinue representing that the Certified Consultant is TaxDome Certified or make any other unauthorized statement regarding such status.

1.15  Governing Law and Jurisdiction

New York state law governs this Agreement without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

1.16  General Provisions

a. Non-Waiver. No waiver of any right or remedy on one occasion by either party will be deemed a waiver of such right or remedy on any other occasion.

b. Assignment. The rights granted to you hereunder are personal, and you may not assign this Agreement or any right or obligation hereunder, whether in conjunction with a change in employment, voluntary transfer, transfer by operation of law, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Intuit, which Intuit may give or withhold at its sole discretion. Any such purported assignment or transfer shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and shall be null and void. This Agreement is freely assignable by TaxDome and will be for the benefit of TaxDome’s successors and assignees.

c. Relationship of Parties. You and TaxDome are independent contractors and you agree that you will not represent yourself as an agent or representative of TaxDome. Neither party has any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of the other or to bind the other to any contract, agreement or undertaking with any third party. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, franchise, employment, or an agency relationship between you and TaxDome.

d. Severability. The failure of TaxDome to exercise or enforce any right(s) or provision(s) of the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right(s) or provision(s).

If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions unless TaxDome determines at its discretion that the court’s determination causes this Agreement to fail in any of its essential purposes.

e. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including all Exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the Program and supersedes all previous Program agreements, as well as all prior and contemporaneous negotiations, discussions and understandings of the parties, whether written or oral, regarding the Program. No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by TaxDome.

f. Modification of this Agreement or the Program. We reserve the right to modify these Program Terms from time to time. We will notify you of changes to the Program Terms by posting them to and may also notify you by email to the address currently associated with your account. The updated Program Terms will be effective as of the time of posting, upon such a later date, or by such other method as specified by TaxDome. The updated Program Terms will apply to your participation in the Program beginning as of their effective date. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE PROGRAM COMPLETELY BY PROVIDING YOU WITH THIRTY (30) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE IMPENDING TERMINATION TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR ACCOUNT.

g. No Endorsement. You acknowledge that TaxDome makes no claims on behalf of you or your company as to the quality of the products or services you offer.

h. Continuing Obligations. Obligations of the parties under the provisions of Sections 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 shall survive any termination and remain in force after the termination of this Agreement.

i. Language. It is the express wish of the parties that this Agreement and all related documents be drawn up in English.

1.17  Additional Items You Agree To

a. TaxDome Services. We may tell you about other TaxDome services. You may be offered other services, features, products, applications, online communities, or promotions provided by TaxDome («TaxDome Services»). If you decide to use any of these TaxDome Services, additional terms and conditions and separate fees may apply. You acknowledge that, in accessing some TaxDome Services, you may upload or enter data from your account(s) such as names, addresses and phone numbers, purchases, and sales among others, to the Internet. You grant TaxDome permission to use information about your business and experience to help us provide the TaxDome Services to you, including updating and maintaining your data, addressing errors or service interruptions, and enhancing the types of data and services TaxDome may provide to you in the future. You grant TaxDome permission to combine your business data, if any, with that of others in a way that does not identify you or any individual personally. We may use this data to improve services and to compare business practices with other company standards. We may use your data to create, market, or promote new TaxDome offerings to you and others. You also grant TaxDome permission to share or publish summary results relating to research data and to distribute or license such data to third parties.

b. Third Party Services. We may tell you about third-party products or services. You may be offered products or services by third parties who are not affiliated with TaxDome («Third Party Products») or the Services may contain links to third-party websites («Third Party Sites»). If you decide to use any Third Party Products or access any Third Party Sites, you are responsible for reviewing the third party’s separate product terms, website terms and privacy policies. You agree that Intuit can use your contact information, including name and address, for the purpose of offering these products to you. You agree that the third parties, and not TaxDome, are responsible for their product’s performance and the content on their websites. TaxDome is not affiliated with these Third Party Products or Third Party Sites and has no liability for them.

1.18  Program Benefits and Rewards

Program benefits and rewards are available to those Consultants that have passed the certification examination and comply with the Program terms and conditions.

In order to access certain Benefits and Rewards associated with the Program, Consultants understand and agree that they may be asked to provide personal information, such as email address or mailing address, and that the information provided will be disclosed to merchants and other third parties as necessary to complete the transaction. TaxDome and its independent contractors have no control over, and no responsibility or liability for, the use by any merchants or other third parties of personal information or any other information that such parties independently acquire from Consultants, or that is given to such parties to process Program transactions or fulfill Program Benefits. You may be subject to terms provided by third parties for their respective benefits.

1.19  Loss of benefits/rewards; Termination of Your TaxDome Consultant membership

In addition to termination of the Program as detailed elsewhere in these Program Terms, TaxDome may also revoke your ability to participate in the Program for: (i) your abuse of the Program, including, without limitation, your use of any «bot,» macro, or other automated means to participate in the Program; (ii) your failure to follow these Program Terms and any other terms and conditions applicable to the Program; (iii) any misrepresentation by you; (iv) suspension or termination of your TaxDome Account; or (v) any other conduct deemed by TaxDome, at its sole discretion, to be an abuse of the Program, to be detrimental to the interests of TaxDome or its customers, or to be otherwise improper. If your ability to participate in the Program is revoked, any unused benefits/rewards will automatically expire and your future participation in the Program may be prohibited. In addition, TaxDome will have the right to take appropriate administrative or legal action, including criminal prosecution, as it deems necessary in its sole discretion.

You agree to abide by the final and binding decisions of TaxDome regarding the Program and your participation in it. TaxDome is the sole arbiter of all issues relating to the Program, including a decision to remove benefits/rewaTaxDome is not responsible for benefits/rewards that expire, are lost, or are redeemed due to fraudulent activity. Suspected illegal, fraudulent, or other unauthorized use or misuse of rewards or any other activity inconsistent with these Program Terms will result in the termination of your participation in the Program, which may result in the loss of all accumulated benefits/rewards issued but not yet redeemed.rds, deny benefits/rewards, or terminate the Consultant from the Program. All of TaxDome’s decisions relating to the Program are final.

You agree to abide by the final and binding decisions of TaxDome regarding the Program and your participation in it. TaxDome is the sole arbiter of all issues relating to the Program, including a decision to remove benefits/rewards, deny benefits/rewards, or terminate the Consultant from the Program. All of TaxDome’s decisions relating to the Program are final.

2. TaxDome Certification Additional Terms and Conditions

2.1    Purpose of TaxDome Certification («Certification»)

TaxDome is committed to providing its TaxDome customers with superior quality products and services («Services»). In order to provide appropriate service and support for customers using TaxDome, TaxDome has created TaxDome Certification. Under Certification, individuals who have demonstrated their proficiency in supporting TaxDome by successfully completing the education and testing requirements of Certification may be licensed to use the TaxDome badge (Logo) as set forth in this Agreement. Certification does not, however, ensure that a Certified Consultant will qualify for any particular employment. Certified Consultants are not and may not act as agents or representatives of TaxDome in any manner. TaxDome does not endorse or guarantee the quality of Certified Consultant’s support or other services to customers.

2.2   Additional Definitions

«Certification» means the TaxDome Certification offered by TaxDome for TaxDome customers who demonstrate technical competence relating to the use of TaxDome products, through successfully passing the Certification exam.

«Certification Status» means the status associated with the successful passing of the Certification exam.

«Certified Consultant» means a Consultant in good standing who has successfully passed the certification exam.

2.3    Certification and Quality Control

a. Obtaining Certification. To obtain certification, you must successfully complete the required testing within the time period noted in this section, meet all ID verification requirements, and comply with all other requirements in this Agreement or as otherwise communicated by TaxDome. TaxDome reserves the right to terminate Certification Status and Program membership where any Consultant has passed the Certification exam through unauthorized or unethical means.

b. Obtaining and maintaining the certified TaxDome consultant status.To qualify as a certified TaxDome consultant and get the consultant badge, a candidate is required:

  • To complete all the TaxDome Academy courses; after passing the courses, corresponding badges will be added to the consultant profile on the TaxDome consultant directory;
  • To pass the TaxDome Academy quiz (40 questions) to confirm the TaxDome platform expertise;
  • To complete the TaxDome Consultant Academy course and pass the respective quiz to confirm the knowledge of TaxDome services, values, policies, consultant guidelines and sales recommendations.

The TaxDome Education Team regularly adds new courses on TaxDome functionality to the TaxDome Academy website. Once a new TaxDome Academy course is launched, a certified TaxDome consultant is required to complete and pass the course within one month of its launch.

c. Certification Enrollment. You certify that the information supplied to participate in Certification is true and correct. This information is for the express use of TaxDome and the mere enrollment in Certification does not constitute Certification or endorsement by TaxDome of the Consultant. You understand that TaxDome reserves the right to discontinue the Certification of any Consultant or Certified Consultant who does not meet the criteria for participation in Certification and that such criteria shall be determined from time to time at TaxDome’s sole discretion.

d. No Transfer of Certification. Your Certification Status and any license to use the Certified Logo are personal to you and may be neither transferred nor assigned to any other person or entity. You retain your Certification Status and your license to use the Certified Logo if you leave your current employment and/or begin working with a different business organization, as long as your Program membership and Certification are in good standing.

e. Conduct of Business. You agree (1) not to misrepresent your Certification Status or your level of skill and knowledge related thereto; (2) to provide support and services consistent with the Consultant Program Terms and Conditions; and (3) to use best efforts to resolve any complaints or disputes with your clients regarding your services as TaxDome Certified in a fair and timely manner.


g. The Certified Logo may not be used for any other purpose or in any manner other than as described in the Program terms and Conditions. In addition, if at any time TaxDome requests that you discontinue using the Certified Logo and/or substitute new or different Certified Logo(s), you will immediately cease use of the discontinued Certified Logo(s) and cooperate fully with TaxDome to ensure that all legal obligations have been met with regard to ceasing use of the Certified Logo(s).

2.4   Certification Term and Termination

a. Certification Term. Certified Consultant’s rights and obligations shall commence on the date you successfully complete the Certification Curriculum and will terminate upon the Certified Consultant’s loss or other termination of Certification Status, or upon the termination of the Program membership.

b. Termination of Certification by TaxDome.Without prejudice to any rights it may have under this Agreement or in law, equity, or otherwise, TaxDome may terminate a Certified Consultant’s Certification under this Agreement (including, without limitation, the Certification Status and use of the Certified Logo) immediately upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events:

  • You fail to perform any of your obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, the terms related to the use of the Certified Logo.
  • You discontinue providing the services and support for TaxDome products to which your Certification is related;
  • A government agency, state licensing body, or court finds that services provided by you fail to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or are defective or improper in any way, manner, or form;
  • If actual or potential adverse publicity or other information emanating from a third party or parties, about you, the services you provide, or the use of the Certified Logo by you causes TaxDome, in its sole judgment, to believe that TaxDome or its reputation may be adversely affected; or
  • You resell and/or distribute the software provided to you by TaxDome in violation of the terms and conditions of the software’s end-user license agreement or this Agreement.
  • Public discussion of the TaxDome Certification exam questions and answers is grounds for immediate termination of your certification.
  • Discovery of any information that would have precluded you from obtaining Certification, including but not limited to the submission of false ID credentials, or dishonesty during the course of Certification testing.

2.5   Content

a. You are responsible for your content. You are legally responsible for all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages, or other materials («Content») uploaded, posted, or stored through your use of the Services. You grant TaxDome a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to host and use the Content in order to provide you with the Services. You agree not to use the Services for any illegal purpose or in violation of any applicable local, state, federal, or international law. You are encouraged to archive your Content regularly and frequently. You are responsible for any Content that may be lost or unrecoverable through your use of the Services. You must provide all required and appropriate warnings, information and disclosure. You agree that you will not use the Services to share, store, or in any way distribute financial data that is not in accordance with the law. Any users suspected of having information that involves fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, insider trading, support for terrorism, or any other activity proscribed by law may have their accounts terminated immediately, their financial data erased, and may also be reported to law enforcement officials in the appropriate jurisdictions. TaxDome is not responsible for the Content or data you submit on the website. You agree not to use the Services to upload, post, distribute, link to, publish, reproduce, engage in, or transmit any of the following, including but not limited to:

Illegal, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, harassing, offensive, inappropriate, or objectionable information or communications of any kind, including without limitation conduct that would encourage or constitute an attack or «flaming» others, or criminal or civil liability under any local, state, federal or foreign law;

Content or data that would impersonate someone else or falsely represent your identity or qualifications, or that constitutes a breach of any individual’s privacy, including posting images about children or any third party without their consent (or a parent’s consent in the case of a minor);

Except as otherwise permitted by TaxDome in writing, advertisements, solicitations, investment opportunities, chain letters, pyramid schemes, other unsolicited commercial communication or engaging in spamming or flooding;

Virus, trojan horse, worm, or other disruptive or harmful software or data; and

Any information, software, or Content that is not legally yours and may be protected by copyright

or other proprietary right, or derivative works, without permission from the copyright owner or intellectual property rights owner.

b. Community forums. The Services may include a community forum to exchange information with other users of the Services and the public. Please use respect when you interact with other users. TaxDome does not support and is not responsible for the accuracy of others’ content in these community forums. Do not reveal information in the community forum that you do not want to make public. Users may post hypertext links to content hosted and maintained by third parties for which Intuit is not responsible.

c. TaxDome may monitor your content from time to time. Intuit may, but has no obligation to, monitor content on the Services. We may disclose any information necessary or appropriate to satisfy our legal obligations, protect TaxDome or its customers, or operate the Services properly. TaxDome, at its sole discretion, may refuse to post, remove, or refuse to remove, any Content, in whole or in part, alleged to be unacceptable, undesirable, inappropriate, or in violation of this Agreement.

3. Trademark Usage Restrictions

3.1    No Use of Logo Forms or Box Designs and Brand Name

When referencing the TaxDome brand name or promoting TaxDome Consultant services, the use of product logos, box designs and the brand name in the Consultant’s website URL is prohibited. TaxDome trademarks must be displayed only in plain text and only for approved purposes. Such plain text usage must retain the distinctive capitalization and/or spacing of the mark.

If you are a member of the TaxDome Partner Program, you are allowed, per that program’s terms and conditions, to display certain approved Partner Program ad banners (provided by TaxDome) on your website(s), some of which include the TaxDome product logos. See the TaxDome Partner terms and conditions for further information.

3.2    Correctly Promote Your TaxDome Certification

Upon your enrollment into the TaxDome Certification Program, TaxDome encourages you to inform your current and prospective clients/customers of your membership in the Program, in accordance with all of the Trademark Restrictions listed herein. You can convey this information in your advertising, but you should only do this in a way that does not lead clients to believe that you are an employee or representative of TaxDome.

3.3    No Use in Direct Business Source Identifiers

TaxDome cannot be used in your company name, product/service name, or in your direct business source identifiers such as stationery, business cards, company signs, domain names, or company website titles. These identifiers indicate the name of your business and, thus, the source of its products or services. In order to avoid any possible confusion with regard to the source of TaxDome’s products/services, versus your or another party’s products/services, the use of TaxDome’s trademarks in these source identifiers is prohibited. However, TaxDome does not object to the membership statements being used in appropriate contexts which make clear the true nature of your relationship to TaxDome.

Additionally, by participating in the Program, you agree that the Approved Materials will not contain any content that could be deemed by TaxDome, in its sole judgment, to be obscene, violent, or otherwise in poor taste or unlawful, or for the purpose of encouraging unlawful activities, or otherwise misuse or bring into dispute or disrepute the TaxDome trademark, any other TaxDome- owned marks or logos, or TaxDome’s products or services. TaxDome reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks/logos and to hold you in breach of the Agreement for any such unfair uses or misuses at TaxDome’s sole discretion.

3.4    FOR CERTIFIED TAXDOME CONSULTANTS: Certified Logo Restrictions

All approved uses of the Certified Logo must conform to the following logo usage restrictions («Certified Logo Restrictions»):

3.4.1 Approved Purpose

Certified Consultants are granted a limited license to use the Certified Logo and may use the Certified Logo solely for the purposes of notifying clients or prospective clients of the Certified Consultant’s current, valid Certification in the Program and of the Certified Consultant’s successful passing of the Certification exam pursuant to this Agreement («Approved Purpose»). No other use of the Certified Logo is permitted.

3.4.2 Approved Materials and Usage

a. Certified Consultants in good standing may use the Certified Logo for the Approved Purpose in all of the following instances (collectively, «Approved Materials»):

  • Certain paper and electronic marketing materials for Certified Consultants’ services related solely to TaxDome software;
  • Certain advertising for Certified Members’ services related solely to TaxDome software,
  • On Certified Consultants’ stationery and business cards.

b. All such Approved Materials must also separately contain the Certified Consultant’s own name, company name, service name, and/or trade name in a size that must be at least as large as the Certified Logo lettering.

c. Certified Members may NOT use the Certified Logo in or on physical company signage or within company logos; however Certified Consultants may display the Certified Logo in public view separate and apart from company signage, member name, company name, service, or trade name displays.

d. Notwithstanding the above, Certified Consultant may use the following identification line in plain text (not logo/graphic form) when printing a Certified Consultant’s name on business cards, stationery, brochures, apparel, and website ONLY: «Jane Smith, Certified TaxDome Consultant». However, such an identification line CANNOT be used on or in connection with company signage, or company names or logo designs (including where such logo designs appear on other materials), or be incorporated into signage or company names/logos in any way.

e. Certified Consultants may not under any circumstances use the Certified Logo or any part thereof in the name of the Approved Materials themselves, or in the names of Certified Consultant’s own products, services, or business, or use the Certified Logos in any other non-approved manner, including for promotional events, merchandise, or signage, or to express or imply any endorsement or affiliation with TaxDome beyond the completion of the Certified required testing.

Furthermore, Certified Consultants agree that the Approved Materials will not contain any content that could be deemed by TaxDome, in its sole judgment, to be obscene, violent, or otherwise in poor taste or unlawful, or for the purpose of encouraging unlawful activities, or otherwise misuse or bring into dispute or disrepute the Certified Logo, or the TaxDome trademark. TaxDome reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of the TaxDome trademark and to hold the Certified Consultant in breach of this Agreement for any such unfair uses or misuses at TaxDome’s sole discretion.

3.4.3 Required Legend

All Approved Materials that display the Certified Logo shall include a small legend stating «TaxDome is a registered trademark of TaxDome LLC, used with permission». TaxDome may, from time to time, also require the Certified Consultant to use another statement.

3.4.4 Design Requirements

The Certified Logo as supplied by TaxDome cannot be «violated» or touched by any other text or graphics in any way. The proportions of the Certified Logo should remain consistent.

Stretching, condensing, distorting, or otherwise altering the Certified Logo is prohibited. The Certified Logo may not be placed on backgrounds with insufficient contrast, photos or illustrations, strong patterns, or textures.






Last updated November 10, 2023