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Docs (Advanced): The PDF Editor

Docs (Advanced): The PDF Editor
11 Min

For more helpful how-to videos, visit TaxDome Academy, our free online hub for
viewing and learning everything you need to know about TaxDome.

Work on files with team members, draw a client’s attention to a particular section of a document, complete fillable PDF forms and ask your clients to do that, and add and delete notes and other annotations by using our free Web-based PDF editing tool. It has great viewing, markup, and collaboration tools. And all changes to the PDF are saved in your TaxDome account.

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Docs (Advanced): The PDF Editor

For more helpful how-to videos, visit TaxDome Academy, our free online hub for
viewing and learning everything you need to know about TaxDome.

Work on files with team members, draw a client’s attention to a particular section of a document, complete fillable PDF forms and ask your clients to do that, and add and delete notes and other annotations by using our free Web-based PDF editing tool. It has great viewing, markup, and collaboration tools. And all changes to the PDF are saved in your TaxDome account.