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Workflow in TaxDome: Step 4. Automove jobs

Workflow in TaxDome: Step 4. Automove jobs
15 Min

In the previous lesson we promised to tell you how to automate your pipelines even further. How about not having to move your jobs manually? Imagine that the first stage has an automation that requires the client’s action (e.g., paying a retainer). The job could then move to the second stage automatically once the invoice is paid. 

And the automations set for the next stage (e.g., sending a organizer with the list of required documents from the client) are triggered without you not lifting a finger, too.

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Workflow in TaxDome: Step 4. Automove jobs

In the previous lesson we promised to tell you how to automate your pipelines even further. How about not having to move your jobs manually? Imagine that the first stage has an automation that requires the client’s action (e.g., paying a retainer). The job could then move to the second stage automatically once the invoice is paid. 

And the automations set for the next stage (e.g., sending a organizer with the list of required documents from the client) are triggered without you not lifting a finger, too.