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Advisors Directory Terms of Use

General Terms and Conditions

Agreement Acceptance

By applying for registration into the TaxDome Advisor Program you are accepting and agreeing to these terms.

TaxDome may update or modify these Terms from time to time in its sole discretion. All updates and modifications to these Terms will be published on the directory website  and subject to the Advisor’s responsibility to stay up-to-date with the recent changes.


If you are agreeing to the Advisor Program terms not as an individual but on behalf of your company, organization, firm, partnership or other corporate entity, then you agree and acknowledge that you are binding such entity to these terms, and that you are fully authorized to do so.

You will use the Directory to support you to provide accountancy and other related professional services to your clients. The Terms create a legally binding agreement between you and 

TaxDome every time you use the Directory Services.

Use of the Directory

We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to use the TaxDome Advisors Directory for your own business purposes to provide services to your clients solely in accordance with these terms.

Your obligations

You shall:

  • comply with the Advisor Directory Terms of Service
  • use the TaxDome Advisor Directory in compliance with all Applicable Laws

TaxDome reserves the right to disable your firm’s access to the Directory if you breach any of the Terms.

TaxDome obligations

TaxDome shall:

  • comply with all Applicable Laws concerning the Program
  • make the Program available to you in accordance with these Terms

Charges and payment

You in your sole discretion determine the price at which you offer your services to your clients. No charges shall be applied to you on TaxDome’s behalf.

Privacy and information disclosure

TaxDome may, in its sole discretion, preserve or disclose your content, as well as your information, such as email addresses, IP addresses, timestamps, and other user information.

Limitation of Liability & Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold TaxDome harmless from any and all claims, liability and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of: (i) your use of the Services in breach of any laws or regulations; (ii) your breach of the section TaxDome Consultant Additional Terms and Conditions; (iii) any breach by you of any third-party rights (including intellectual property rights); (iv) your wilful breach of this Agreement; or (v) any other breach of this Agreement, (collectively referred to as “Claims”). Further, you agree to indemnify TaxDome resulting from any suit or proceedings based upon a claim arising by reason of your performance or non-performance under this Agreement. TaxDome reserves the right, at its sole discretion and at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any Claims. You agree to reasonably cooperate as requested by TaxDome in the defence of any Claims.

You agree to reimburse TaxDome upon demand for any expenses reasonably incurred by TaxDome in defending such claim(s), including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and costs, as well as any judgment or settlement of the claim or proceeding. In no event may you enter into any third-party agreements which would in any manner whatsoever affect the rights of or bind TaxDome in any manner without the prior written consent of TaxDome.

Disclaimer of Warranties



(a) Term. The Program shall commence on the Effective Date and will continue, until and unless terminated, as set forth in this Agreement (“Term”). 

Default and Termination

The Partnership remains effective till its termination. The Partnership can be terminated:

  • by TaxDome upon given not less than 15 (fifteen) calendar days’ notice to the Firm
  • by the Firm upon given not less than 15 (fifteen) calendar days’ notice to TaxDome
  • forthwith by either party of the other commits any material breach of any of these terms and which shall not have been remedied within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of a written notification of it.

Effect of Termination

Upon the termination of partnership for any reason, the Parties will immediately cease use of the other party trademarks and hypertext link to the other party website.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

New York state law governs this Agreement without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.


1. You are responsible for your content. You are legally responsible for all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages, or other materials (“Content”) uploaded, posted, or stored through your use of the Services. You grant TaxDome a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to host and use the Content in order to provide you with the Services. You agree not to use the Services for any illegal purpose or in violation of any applicable local, state, federal, or international law. You are encouraged to archive your Content regularly and frequently. You are responsible for any Content that may be lost or unrecoverable through your use of the Services. You must provide all required and appropriate warnings, information and disclosure. You agree that you will not use the Services to share, store, or in any way distribute financial data that is not in accordance with the law. Any users suspected of having information that involves fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, insider trading, support for terrorism, or any other activity proscribed by law may have their accounts terminated immediately, their financial data erased, and may also be reported to law enforcement officials in the appropriate jurisdictions. TaxDome is not responsible for the Content or data you submit on the website. You agree not to use the Services to upload, post, distribute, link to, publish, reproduce, engage in, or transmit any of the following, including but not limited to:

Illegal, fraudulent, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, harassing, offensive, inappropriate, or objectionable information or communications of any kind, including without limitation conduct that would encourage or constitute an attack or “flaming” others, or criminal or civil liability under any local, state, federal or foreign law;

Content or data that would impersonate someone else or falsely represent your identity or qualifications, or that constitutes a breach of any individual’s privacy, including posting images about children or any third party without their consent (or a parent’s consent in the case of a minor);

Except as otherwise permitted by TaxDome in writing, advertisements, solicitations, investment opportunities, chain letters, pyramid schemes, other unsolicited commercial communication or engaging in spamming or flooding;

Virus, trojan horse, worm, or other disruptive or harmful software or data; and

Any information, software, or Content that is not legally yours and may be protected by copyright

or other proprietary right, or derivative works, without permission from the copyright owner or intellectual property rights owner.

2. TaxDome may monitor your content from time to time. TaxDome may, but has no obligation to, monitor content on the Services. We may disclose any information necessary or appropriate to satisfy our legal obligations, protect TaxDome, or operate the Services properly. TaxDome, at its sole discretion, may refuse to post, remove, or refuse to remove, any Content, in whole or in part, alleged to be unacceptable, undesirable, inappropriate, or in violation of this Agreement.

Relationship of Parties


Prior to being accepted to the Program, you must submit a Partner Application Form with accurate, complete and reliable information about your firm and services you provide. 

TaxDome will determine whether you are accepted to the Program once the partnership prerequisites above have been completed. TaxDome reserves the right to accept or decline any organization or individual as a TaxDome Advisor regardless of whether the partnership prerequisites have been met.

Once your application has been approved, TaxDome provides you with access to the Advisor directory admin panel to provide the description about your firm, services and a hyperlink to your firm’s website. Should any information about your firm or/and its services change, you must update the relevant records in the firm’s listing in the Directory.

Partnership Conduct

TaxDome Advisor is a third-party provider and is not affiliated with TaxDome. TaxDome does not endorse, approve, or guarantee any services, software, information, or products provided by a third party. Further, TaxDome is not responsible for the performance of any TaxDome Advisor or for the results of such performance, including any loss or damage of any sort resulting from the use or failure of such third-party services or products. 

You are not an agent or a representative of TaxDome for any purpose. You and TaxDome are independent contractors and you have no authority to act for or on behalf of TaxDome. You and your employees are not entitled to make any statements and promises, provide any guarantees on behalf of TaxDome. 

You will immediately change or discontinue any representation or business practice found to be misleading or deceptive by TaxDome immediately upon notice from TaxDome. 

TaxDome Certified Advisor Program Terms of Use

TaxDome Certified Advisor Program (hereafter referred to as ‘Program’) is a course provided by the TaxDome Academy and subject to the TaxDome Academy Terms of Use and TaxDome Advisor Directory Terms of Service developed by TaxDome, LLC.

These Terms of Use form a binding agreement between Trainee (hereafter referred to as “Advisor’, ‘you’) and TaxDome (hereafter referred to as ‘we’, ‘us’) and accepted by you. We may revise these Terms from time to time at our sole discretion. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we have made, as they are binding. All material changes apply prospectively only.

The Program offers free, on-demand training to get certified as a TaxDome Advisor listed in the TaxDome Advisor Directory. To enroll in the TaxDome Certified Advisor Program, you must be a TaxDome user (under conditions specified below).


Upon completion of the required TaxDome Academy courses (as explained below), we will contact you via email for the information we need to add you as an Advisor to the TaxDome Advisor Directory with the corresponding badge or add the badge to your Advisor card in the Directory.

Your certification status and any license to use the certified branded badge are personal to you and may be neither transferred nor assigned to any other person or entity. You retain your certification status and your license to use the certified branded badge if you leave your current employment and/or begin working with a different business organization, as long as your Program membership and certification are in good standing.

TaxDome reserves the right to decline any certification candidate at its sole discretion. The decision of TaxDome to reject a candidate will be final, and TaxDome will have no obligation to disclose the basis for such rejection.

Product Expertise Badges and Levels of Certification

The branded badge is a reward and distinctive mark you get upon successful completion of the required courses by existing Advisors or any TaxDome user. You get the branded badge based on the levels of certification:

  • Level 1 – TaxDome Academy Certified Advisor: all TaxDome Academy courses must be successfully completed with certification for each course.When you have completed the Level 1 certification and met the promotion timeline and requirements, you will receive a Swag Pack (a set of branded items that are subject to change by us at any moment). In this case, we will send you a form to get your contact information and valid address.
  • Level 2 – TaxDome Academy Certified Advisor: Bookkeeping, Payroll, Tax Preparer: You have met the Level 1 certification requirements and have obtained an industry-related course certification (one or more).
  • Level 3 – Certified Consultant: You have met the Level 1 and Level 2 certification requirements, and you have successfully completed the TaxDome Academy Course and Quiz for the consultants.  Upon completion of the program, you are required to pass a certification exam.

Renewal of Certification

Should you wish to keep the status of the TaxDome Certified Advisor and the branded badge on your advisor card in the TaxDome Advisor Directory, you are required to successfully complete a recertification course once a year. The certification renewal program will start at Q3-Q4 2024.

The eligibility criteria for renewing certification are:

  • All previously completed conditions for the corresponding level of certification
  • A crash course in what’s new
  • A recertification quiz

Once the results are reviewed and verified by our team, you will get notified about the renewal of your certification accordingly.

Certified Advisor Program Restrictions

Promote Your TaxDome Advisor Certification Correctly

Upon your enrollment into the TaxDome Certified Advisor Program, we encourage you to inform your current and prospective clients/customers of your membership in the Program, in accordance with all of the trademark restrictions listed herein. You can convey this information in your advertising, but you should only do this in a way that does not lead clients to believe that you are an employee or representative of TaxDome. 

No Use in Direct Business Source Identifiers

TaxDome cannot be used in your company name, product/service name, or in your direct business source identifiers such as stationery, business cards, company signs, domain names, or company website titles. These identifiers indicate the name of your business and, thus, the source of its products or services. In order to avoid any possible confusion with regard to the source of TaxDome’s products/services, versus your or another party’s products/services, the use of TaxDome’s trademarks in these source identifiers is prohibited. However, TaxDome does not object to the membership statements being used in appropriate contexts that make clear the true nature of your relationship to TaxDome.

Additionally, by participating in the Program, you agree that the branded badge and any rewards granted by TaxDome will not contain any content that could be deemed by TaxDome, in its sole judgment, to be obscene, violent, or otherwise in poor taste or unlawful, or for the purpose of encouraging unlawful activities, or otherwise misuse or bring into dispute or disrepute the TaxDome trademark, any other TaxDome-owned marks or logos, or TaxDome’s products or services. TaxDome reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks/logos and to hold you in breach of the agreement for any such unfair uses or misuses at TaxDome’s sole discretion.

Certified Advisor Badge Restrictions

All approved uses of the branded badge must conform to the following branded badge usage restrictions:

1.  Approved Purpose

Certified Advisors are granted a limited license to use the branded badge and may use the badge solely for the purposes of notifying clients or prospective clients of the Certified Advisor’s current, valid certification in the Program and of the Certified Advisor’s successful passing of the certification exam pursuant to this Agreement (“Approved Purpose”). No other use of the branded badge is permitted.

2. Approved Materials and Usage

Certified Advisors may NOT use the branded badge in or on physical company signage or within company logos; however, certified advisors may display the branded badge in public view separate and apart from company signage, member name, company name, service, or trade name displays.

Notwithstanding the above, certified advisors may use the following identification line in plain text (not logo/graphic form) when printing a certified advisor’s name on business cards, stationery, brochures, apparel, and website ONLY: “Jane Smith, TaxDome Certified Advisor”. However, such an identification line CANNOT be used on or in connection with company signage, or company names or logo designs (including where such badge designs appear on other materials), or be incorporated into signage or company names/logos in any way.

Certified advisors may not under any circumstances use the branded logo or any part thereof in the name of the materials themselves, or in the names of certified advisor’s own products, services, or business, or use the badge in any other non-approved manner, including for promotional events, merchandise, or signage, or to express or imply any endorsement or affiliation with TaxDome beyond the completion of the certified required testing.

Required Legend

All materials that display the branded badge shall include a small legend stating “TaxDome is a registered trademark of TaxDome, LLC. Used with permission.” TaxDome may, from time to time, also require the certified advisor to use another statement.

Design Requirements

The branded badge as supplied by TaxDome cannot be “violated” or touched by any other text or graphics in any way. The proportions of the branded badge should remain consistent.

Stretching, condensing, distorting, or otherwise altering the branded badge is prohibited. The branded badge may not be placed on backgrounds with insufficient contrast, photos or illustrations, strong patterns, or textures.

Should you have any questions about the TaxDome Certified Advisor Program, please contact us via email.

Last updated January 10, 2024